Paper Submission
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original papers: they must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to journals or any other conferences that have proceedings.
The submission must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references. The paper should be limited to at most 12 pages in total and prepared according to the "Authors Instruction for LNCS" (
To submit your contributions for WISA 2023, please use the EasyChair platform in the designated link at
List of Topics
The areas of interest include, but are not limited to
- AI Security
- Analysis of network and security protocols
- Anonymity and censorship-resistant technologies
- Applications of cryptographic techniques
- Authentication and authorization
- Automated tools for source code/binary analysis
- Automobile security
- Botnet defense
- Blockchain security
- Critical infrastructure security
- DoS attacks and countermeasures
- Digital Forensics
- Embedded systems security
- Exploit techniques and automation
- Hardware and physical security
- HCI security and privacy
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Malware analysis
- Mobile/wireless/cellular system security
- Network-based attacks
- Network infrastructure security
- Operating system security
- Practical cryptanalysis (hardware, DRM, etc.)
- Quantum cryptanalysis
- Security policy
- Side channel attacks and countermeasures
- Storage and file systems security
- Techniques for developing secure systems
- Trustworthy computing
- Trusted execution environments (Intel SGX, ARM Trustzone, etc.)
- Unmanned System Security for Vehicle/Drone/Ship Systems
- Vulnerability research
- Web security
SCI/E Journal Recommendation of Selected Papers
Expanded versions of more than half of accepted papers will be invited to the SCIE or Scopus-indexed journals.
Later, WISA 2023 special issues and fast track will be announced on the conference website.
Questions regarding submissions should be emailed to