Accepted Papers
A New Higher Order Differential of LCB
Naoki Shibayama and Yasutaka Igarashi (Tokyo University of Science)
Bloomier filters on 3-hypergraphs
Hyungrok Jo and Junji Shikata (Yokohama National University)
Principal Component Analysis over the Boolean Circuit within TFHE Scheme
Hyun Jung Doh, Joon Soo Yoo, Mi Yeon Hong, Kang Hoon Lee, Tae Min Ahn and
Ji Won Yoon (Korea University)
A security analysis on MQ-Sign
Yasuhiko Ikematsu (Kyushu University), Hyungrok Jo (Yokohama National University) and Takanori Yasuda (Okayama
University of Science)
Research on Security Threats Using VPN in Zero Trust Environments
Eunyoung Kim (National Security Research Institute) and Kiwook Sohn (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
A Blockchain-based Mobile Crowdsensing and Its Incentive Mechanism
Zhang Yan, Bai Yuhao, Lee Soojin (Hanyang University), Li Ming (Henan Normal University) and Seo Seung-Hyun (Hanyang University)
A New Frontier in Digital Security: Verification for NFT Image using Deep Learning-based ConvNeXt Model in Quantum Blockchain
Aji Teguh Prihatno, Naufal Suryanto, Harashta Tatimma Larasati, Yustus Eko, Thi-Thu-Huong Le and Howon Kim (Pusan National University)
AE-LSTM based anomaly detection system for communication over DNP 3.0
Il Hwan Ji, Seungho Jeon and Jung Taek Seo (Gachon University)
Systematic Evaluation of Robustness Against Model Inversion Attacks on Split Learning
Hyunsik Na, Yoonju Oh, Wonho Lee and Daeseon Choi (Soongsil University)
Vulnerability Assessment Framework Based on In-the-Wild Exploitability for Prioritizing Patch Application
Seong-Su Yoon, Do-Yeon Kim, Ga-Gyeong Kim and Ieck-Chae Euom (Chonnam National University)
Patchman: Firmware Update Delivery Service Over the Blockchain for IoT Environment
Yustus Eko Oktian, Uk Jo, Simon Oh, Hanho Jeong, Jaehyun Kim, Thi-Thu-Huong Le and Howon Kim (Pusan National University)
Security Risk Indicator for Open Source Software to Measure Software Development Status
Hiroki Kuzuno (Kobe University), Tomohiko Yano (SECOM Co., Ltd.), Kazuki Omo (SIOS Technology, Inc.), Jeroen van der Ham (University of Twente) and Toshihiro Yamauchi (Okayama University)
Defending AirType against Inference Attacks using 3D In-Air Keyboard Layouts: Design and Evaluation
Hattan Althebeiti, Ran Gedawy, Ahod Alghuried (University of Central Florida), Daehun Nyang (Ewha Womans University) and David Mohaisen (University of Central Florida)
Robust Training for Deepfake Detection Models Against Disruption-Induced Data Poisoning
Jaewoo Park, Hong Eun Ahn, Leo Hyun Park and Taekyoung Kwon (Yonsei University)
Multi-class Malware Detection via Deep Graph Convolutional Networks using TF-IDF-based Attributed Call Graphs
Irshad Khan and Young-Woo Kwon (Kyungpook National University)
OCR meets the Dark Web: Identifying the Content Type Regarding Illegal and Cybercrime
Donghyun Kim, Seungho Jeon (Gachon University), Jiho Shin (Korean National Police University) and Jung Taek Seo (Gachon University)
Protecting Kernel Code Integrity with PMP on RISC-V
Seon Ha and Hyungon Moon (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Exploiting Memory Page Management in KSM for Remote Memory Deduplication Attack
Seungyeon Bae, Taehun Kim, Woomin Lee and Youngjoo Shin (Korea University)
Mutation Methods for Structured Input to Enhance Path Coverage of Fuzzers
Yonggon Park, Youngjoo Ko and Jong Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Improved Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced Rounds of ChaCha
Ryo Watanabe, Nasratullah Ghafoori and Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka University)
SP-Fuzz: Fuzzing soft PLC with semi-automated harness synthesis
Seungho Jeon and Jung Taek Seo (Gachon University)
Quantum Circuit Designs of Point Doubling Operation for Binary Elliptic Curves
Harashta Tatimma Larasati and Howon Kim (Pusan National University)
PQ-DPoL: An Efficient Post-Quantum Blockchain Consensus Algorithm
Wonwoong Kim, Yeajun Kang, HyunJi Kim, Kyoungbae Jang and Hwajeong Seo (Hansung University)
Efficient Implementation of the Classic McEliece on ARMv8 processors
Minjoo Sim, Hyeokdong Kwon, Siwoo Eum, Gyeongju Song, Minwoo Lee and Hwajeong Seo (Hansung University)
Evaluating KpqC Algorithm Submissions: A Balanced and Clean Benchmarking Approach
Hyeokdong Kwon, Gyeongju Song, Minjoo Sim, Minwoo Lee and Hwajeong Seo (Hansung University)
Depth-Optimized Implementation of ASCON Quantum Circuit
Yujin Oh, Kyungbae Jang (Hansung University), Anubhab Baksi (Nanyang Technological University) and Hwajeong Seo (Hansung University)