August 11-13, 2021
Maison Glad, Jeju, Korea


International Participants Payment Method


We use online registration to complete the registration for participants. 

At least one author of each paper/poster must register until August 2, 2021 (UTC+09:00).

Click on the registration page link:

There is no author registration option. Authors are required to register via Online Attendance (Student) or Online Attendance (General Participant).

The online registration fee will cover (a) the access to the online conference and (b) the access to the online proceedings.

Please contact regarding any issues related to registration and payment


Credit Card

-Use a credit card payment system (EXIMBAY)

Wire Transfer
- beneficiary' name : KIISC
- beneficiary's account number : 754-01-0008-146
- beneficiary's bank : Kookmin Bank
- the branch name : Yeoksamyeok Branch
- beneficiary' address : Room 909, Seongji Heights 3-Cha Bldg., 507, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 06132


*This payment method is provided by Eximbay and is billed as
* Note: Please note that the billing descriptor will be listed as EXIMBAY.COM.


Korean Participants   사전등록: 2021년 8월 2일(월)까지

▷ 학회 홈페이지( )접속 → 학회행사 → 사전등록바로가기 → WISA 2021 (KOREAN 

PARTICIPANTS) 클릭 (신용카드/계좌이체 결제 가능)

▷ 사전등록 송금처

- 예금주 : 한국정보보호학회

- 계좌번호 : (국민은행) 754-01-0008-146

입금명은 필히 [행사명  글자등록자 성함]으로 기재해 주시기 바랍니다.) WISA 홍길동 – “W홍길동” 기재

* 사전등록 시 등록비는 위의 구좌로 송금하시고, 입금자가 대리일 경우 통보바랍니다.

계산서 신청 익일 안으로 등록하신 이메일로 청구용 계산서가 발행됩니다영수용 계산서가필요하신 경우사전에 학회로 연락 바랍니다.

* 등록확인서는 한국정보보호학회 홈페이지 상단 행사 등록확인서 바로 가기를 클릭하신 후 등록 시 기재하시 성함과

이메일을 기재하시면 출력 가능합니다. 

* 참가확인서는 로 행사명, 성명, 소속을 기재하시어 행사 종료 후 요청하시기 바랍니다.

* 학생은 다른 소속이 없는 전일제(학부생/대학원생)에 한합니다.

학생의 경우 학생증 사본 송부 바랍니다.


Registration Fees

Offline Attendance


500,000 won 

General Participants

700,000 won 

Online Attendance


150,000 won ($140 USD)


(Offline) Registration includes online proceedings, 2 Lunches, 1 Banquet during the conference.

(Online) Registration only includes online proceedings during the conference.



Registration Policy

At least one presenter per accepted paper, poster, or demo must register for the conference.

We are unable to offer refunds, cancellations, or substitutions for any registrations for this event.



Registration Contact Information

Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
- Seongji Heights 3-Cha Bldg., Room 909 507, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06132, Korea
- Tel : +82-2-564-9333(ext.2)
- Fax : +82-2-564-9226
- Email :
- Business Registration Number: 114-82-04432