August 11-13, 2021
Maison Glad, Jeju, Korea

Call for Posters


WISA is one of the main security research venues hosted by the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC) and sponsored by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), and co-sponsored by the Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), and the National Security Research Institute (NSR).

High-quality poster presentations are an integral part of WISA 2021. We seek posters of recent or ongoing research related to information security.


We welcome submissions of:

Important Dates


Poster Chair



Original submissions should use the LNCS template format, and be at most 4 pages (excluding references). For posters on previously published papers, please submit a simple PDF with the following information: the full bibliographic citation (title, authors, venue, etc.), a link to the published (official) version of the paper, and the paper abstract. All submissions must be in PDF format and should not be anonymized.


Selected posters will be invited to Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (JKIISC) special issues.

Submission site:

Then, select the "Make new submission" then select "WISA 2021 Posters" track to submit your poster paper.