* JICS (Journal of Internet Computing and Services)
ISSN 2287 - 1136(Online) / ISSN 1598 - 0170 (Print)
This journal is indexed in KCI & ISI-Web of Science
1) Aims and Scope
Journal of Internet Computing and Services is the official journal of the Korean Society for Internet Information.
Abberviated title is “J. Internet Comput. Serv.” It was launached in Novemver 2000. The journal continied as the Journal of Korean Society for Internet Information(JKSII) until September 2013. The journal english title has been changed Journal of Internet Computiong and Services(JICS) in October 2013. Journal of Internet Computng and Services(JICS) is a peer reviewed bimonthly journal that is has been evaluated as the expert journal presenting the study of the related field, related technology and industrial research result such internet communication integrating the internet and the information communicatui technology, security, media, software/engineering, intelligent system, education/application, IT Policy&Servive, Internet Society and etc. It is published bimonthly.
Availability of the Full-text in the Web : http://www.jics.or.kr
3) Editorial Board
4) Author Guide
4.1 Manuscript guidelines
As Korean thesis or English thesis to be inserted in the collected papers is the one related to the information science and its application, it shall be the contents contributed to the academic and industrial development or the originality shall be recognized.
- Reception of Manuscript: : Non-scheduled reception
- Field related to the internet and information such as information security, e-commerce, web-based technology, distributed computing, education and etc.
- The text may be written in Korean or English. The title, abstract and reference should be written in English.
- Notice of Manuscript Review result : Possible for the representative writer to upload the Manuscript and to confirm the progress status through the Manuscript Review system of the homepage
- In February, April, June, August, October, December each year. Supplement numbers are at times published.
- Preparation method for Submission to Manuscript
- Manuscripts should be submitted via the online website
4.2 Reference guidelines
As for the literature directly related to the contents of the Manuscript, the reference number shall be described in the body related to such literature, and this literature shall be described in the space of the reference in the sequence of the citation.
All the references shall be indicated in English, and as for the journal, it shall be described in the sequence of the writer, subject, name of the journal, volume, issue, number of pages and publication year, and as for the book form, it shall be described in the sequence of the writer, book name, number of pages, publisher and publication year.
As for Korean book form, it shall be converted into proper writing in English.
[1] Cloe, R., “Parallel Merge Sort”, SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol. 19, No.4, pp.770-785, 1988.
[2] Bellmen, O., “Introduction to Martix Analysis”, 2nd Ed, p.234, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.
[3] Thuc Kieu-Xuan, Insoo Koo, “A Kullback-Leiber Divergence0based Spectrum Sensing for Congnitive Radio System”, Journal of Korean Society for Internet Information, Vol 13, Issue 1, pp/1-6, 2012.
4.3 Submission Fee
Korea Society for Internet Information(KSII) charges the processing fee 50,000 KRW and 300,000 KRW for regular and express(urgent) papers, respectively. The author shall pay KRW 50,000 of regular fee per one paper in case of submitting the Manuscript, and the selected author shall pay the following publication fee as per the number of pages before printing.
* As for the express(urgent) paper review, the reviewer will be made only as 'accepted’ and ‘rejected’ so as to reduce the review hours.
However, only members who have paid annual membership fees can contribute.
Please submit your manuscript after paying annual membership fee.
* The non-member can immediately enter this by using the KSII hompage.
4.4 Publication Charges
As for the publication fee of the paper, KRW 100,000 shall be paid up to 7 pages and KRW 50,000 per page shall be additionally paid as to above 8 pages.
Detailed instructions will accompany the payment request.
However, in case of the express(urgent) publication, double the regular publication fee shall be paid.
Ex | Regular publication fee | Express(urgent) publication fee |
10 pages | KRW 250,000 | KRW 500,000 |
10 pages | USD 250 | USD 500 |
4.5 Publication Payment method
- Bank transfer
Citi Bank 186-02012-248-01 (Korea Society for Internet Information)
- Online payment
Log in to the online submission system and make payment.
5) Submitting manuscript Plagiarism Policy
6) Contact Info
Editorial Office Manager / Ms. Minju Shum
Korean Society for Internet Information
Rm.505, Korea Science & Technology New Bldg. 22, 7Gil,Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul, KOREA,
06130. Phone: +82-2-564-2825 Fax:+82-2-564-2834
E-mail: paper@ksii.or.kr
7) Journal Homepage
No. | Name | Date | hits |
학회지 온라인 배포 변경 안내(18권1호 발간부터) | 2017-09-05 | 2380 | |
1 | 학회지 온라인 배포 (20권 2호 발간) | 2020-03-30 | 2424 |
2 | 학회지 온라인 배포 (20권 1호 발간) | 2019-07-13 | 2173 |
3 | 학회지 온라인 배포 (19권 2호 발간) | 2019-01-15 | 2104 |
4 | 학회지 온라인 배포 (19권 1호 발간) | 2018-07-05 | 2102 |
5 | 학회지 온라인 배포 (18권 2호 발간) | 2018-01-20 | 1960 |
6 | 학회지 온라인 배포 (18권1호 발간) | 2017-07-05 | 2029 |