등록비 안내

-Registration Fees-

Participants are encouraged to register in advance to take advantage of early registration discounts. Please carefully review the following registration guidelines.

Type Registration Fee
Early (May 24 - May 31) USD 650 (KRW 650,000)
Regular (June 1 - June 7) USD 750 (KRW 750,000)
On-Site USD 850 (KRW 850,000)

* Non-member Registration fee (USD 100) will be charged additionally.


  • Additional Registration Fee : Attendance for co-author / participant (without paper)
    • KSII Member : USD 400 / Non KSII Member : USD 500
  • General Registration (Only Certification of attendance for co-author) : USD 100
  • (Add) Lunch & Banquet Fee : USD 150 (only Banquet Fee USD 100 / Lunch USD 50)
  • Each paper requires registration regardless of the number of author(s). In other words, at least one author per paper must register.
  • The above registration fee is for KSII members. For those who are not a member of KSII, an additional non-member processing fee (USD 100) will be charged.

-Registration will cover-

  • Entrance to all conference presentations
  • Entrance to all workshops and poster sessions
  • 1 Lunch at the venue hotel (You can select one of the two dates: June 24-25, 2024)
  • Conference Banquet (June 25, 2024)
  • Conference program & proceedings
  • Conference souvenir

* Guest tickets:
If you want to purchase guest tickets, please contact the administrative office at ksii@ksii.or.kr.


-Cancellation and Refund Policy-

The organizing committee of APIC-IST will provide refunds for registration fees according to the following policies.

  • All cancellations must be received in writing by email to the Secretariat at ksii@ksii.or.kr or by fax +82-02-564-2834. Cancellations via phone will not be accepted.
  • Registrants are responsible for covering all bank charges associated with the remittance.
  • Refunds will be issued for cancellations made by June 7, 2024, with a processing fee of USD 100
    (KRW 100,000).
  • No refunds will be provided for cancellations made after June 8, 2024, or for no-shows.