Accepted Papers
WISA 2020 Accepted Papers for WISA 2020 Main Session
Entropy-based Feature Grouping in Machine Learning for Android Malware Classification
Hyunseok Shim and Souhwan Jung.
Identity-based Unidirectional Proxy Re-Encryption in Standard Model: A Lattice-based Construction
Priyanka Dutta, Willy Susilo, Dung Hoang Duong, Joonsang Baek and Partha Sarathi Roy.
Paid And Anonymous Usage Of Cloud Software
Kun Peng.
Compact Implementation of CHAM Block Cipher on Low-End Microcontrollers
Hyeokdong Kwon, Hyunji Kim, Seung Ju Choi, Kyoungbae Jang, Jaehoon Park, Hyunjun Kim and Hwajeong Seo.
Detecting Block Cipher Encryption for Defense against Crypto Ransomware on Low-end Internet of Things
Hyunji Kim, Jaehoon Park, Hyeokdong Kwon, Kyoungbae Jang, Seungju Choi and Hwajeong Seo.
Impact of Optimized Operations $A\cdot B$, $A\cdot C$ for Binary Field Inversion on Quantum Computers
Kyoungbae Jang, Seung Ju Choi, Hyeokdong Kwon, Zhi Hu and Hwajeong Seo.
Insights into Attacks' Progression: Prediction of Spatio-Temporal Behavior of DDoS Attacks
Ahmed Abusnaina, Mohammed Abuhamad, Daehun Nyang, Songqing Chen, An Wang and David Mohaisen.
Novel Reversible Acoustic Steganography Based on Carrier Orthogonality
Hung-Jr Shiu, Fang-Yie Leu, Chun-Ming Lai and Yu-Chun Huang.
Efficient algorithm for computing odd-degree isogenies on Montgomery curves
Kenta Kodera, Chen-Mou Cheng and Atsuko Miyaji.
Revisiting the Minrank Problem on Multivariate Cryptography
Yacheng Wang, Yasuhiko Ikematsu, Shuhei Nakamura and Tsuyoshi Takagi.
On the Cost-Effectiveness of TrustZone Defense on ARM Platform
Naiwei Liu, Meng Yu, Wanyu Zang and Ravi Sandhu.
Detection on GPS spoofing in location based mobile games
Shing Ki Wong and Siu Ming Yiu.
Accessibility Service Utilization Rates in Android Applications Shared on Twitter
Shuichi Ichioka, Estelle Pouget, Takao Mimura, Jun Nakajima and Toshihiro Yamauchi.
Security Problems of 5G Voice Communication
Seongmin Park, Hyungjin Cho, Youngkwon Park, Bomin Park, Dowon Kim and Kangbin Yim.
Optimization of PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 and PBKDF2-HMAC-LSH256 in CPU Environments
Hojin Choi and Seog Chung Seo.
An Efficient Implementation of AES on 8-bit AVR-based Sensor Nodes
Youngbeom Kim and Seog Chung Seo.
Push For More: On Comparison of Data Augmentation and SMOTE With Optimised Deep Learning Architecture For Side-Channel
Yoo-Seung Won, Dirmanto Jap and Shivam Bhasin.
Unsupervised Intrusion Detection System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Less labeling Effort
Kyung Ho Park, Eunji Park and Huy Kang Kim.
Toward a Fine-Grained Evaluation of the Pwnable CTF: Extracting Common Assessment Points
Sungkyung Kim, Euntae Jang and Ki-Woong Park.
Methods to Select Features for Android Malware Detection Based on the Protection Level Analysis
Chaeeun Lee, Eunnarae Ko and Kyungho Lee.
Virtualization Technologies in the Android Framework and Compatibility with SEAndroid
Jaehyeon Yoon, Tu Chau Ngoc, Hoang Nguyen Huy and Souhwan Jung.
The Gravy Value: A Set of Features for Pinpointing BOT Detection Method
Semi Park and Kyungho Lee.
DLDDO: Deep Learning to Detect Dummy Operations
Jonghyeok Lee and Dong-Guk Han.
Analysis on Malicious Residential Hosts Activities Exploited by Residential IP Proxy Services
Akihiro Hanzawa and Hiroaki Kikuchi.
Spatially Localized Perturbation GAN (SLP-GAN) for Generating Invisible Adversarial Patches
Yongsu Kim, Hyoeun Kang, Afifatul Mukaroh, Naufal Suryanto, Harashta Tatimma Larasati and Howon Kim.
The Proposal of Risk Informed Cyber Security Assessment Methodology in Nuclear Power Plant
Ieck-Chae Euom and Sangjoon Lee.
3-Party Adversarial Steganography
Ishak Meraouche, Sabyasachi Dutta and Kouichi Sakurai.
Filtering-based Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) with signal envelopes against shuffling methods
Youngbae Jeon and Ji Won Yoon.
A Statistical Approach Towards Fraud Detection in the Horse Racing
Moohong Min, Jemin Lee, Hyunbeom Park, Hyojoung Shin and Kyungho Lee.
CAPTCHAs Are Still in Danger: An Efficient Scheme to Bypass Adversarial CAPTCHAs
Dongbin Na, Namgyu Park, Sangwoo Ji and Jong Kim.
WISA 2020 Accepted Papers for WISA 2020 Poster Session
Poster: Black-box Attacks by Retraining Substitute Model using Adversarial Training
Gwonsang Ryu, Hosung Park and Daeseon Choi.
Poster: Ensuring Safety of Medical Cyber Physical Systems Through Misbehavior Detection of Integrated Medical Embedded IoT Devices - A Case Study of Patient-Controlled Analgesia Device
Philip Virgil Astillo, Gaurav Choudhary, Jiyoon Kim, Hoonyong Park, Ilsun You and Ing-Ray Chen.
Poster: Comparison of Federated learning and Original learning using Numeric data
Jinhyeok Jang and Daeseon Choi.
Poster: Research on cyber threat intelligence sharing model utilizing cloud computing in a smart city
Hoonyong Park, Jaejun Heo, Bonam Kim and Ilsun You.
Poster: Acceleration of Pairing Product Operation Using Precomputation
Seong-Yun Jeon and Mun-Kyu Lee.
Poster: Ternary Encoding Algorithm for Integer Comparison using Multiple Inner Products
Turabek Gaybullaev and Mun-Kyu Lee.
Poster: Compactly Committing Authenticated Encryption Based on Lesamnta-LW
Shoichi Hirose.
Poster: Building Novel CNN-Based Intrusion Detection System
Wooyeon Jo, Sungjin Kim and Taeshik Shon.
Poster: Analysis of SMB Protocol Vulnerability - Will there be a second WannaCry crisis? -
Woosung Yun, Yeseong Hwang, Jieon Kim, Jaeyeon Lee, Sukdea Yu and Sangjin Lee.
Poster: Pilot Evaluation of BlindLoginV2 Graphical Password System for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Yean Li Ho, Michael Teck Hong Gan, Siong Hoe Lau and Afizan Azman.
Poster: Risk Assesment of "Ostrich ZIP"
Michihiro Nakayama and Akira Kanaoka.
Poster: Proposal of a Data Sharing Framework for Implementing a Fully Decentralized Data Sharing Society
Siwan Noh and Kyung-Hyune Rhee.
Poster: Linkability Concerns of Smart Contracts within Federated Learning Schemes
Sandi Rahmadika and Kyung-Hyune Rhee.
Poster: Implementation of Data Sharing Model for the Connected Car based on Hyperledger Fabric
Byeong-Gyu Jeong, Kangwoo Cho and Sang Uk Shin.
Poster: On Blockchain Enhanced Secure Data Storage and Sharing in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks
Muhammad Firdaus and Kyung-Hyune Rhee.
Poster: Dynamic Mobile App Unpacking Based on Bytecode Instrumentation
Geochang Jeon, Sunjun Lee and Jeong Hyun Yi.
Poster: Deep Mobile Malware Detection and Classification Based on Supervised CNN
Younghun Ban, Eunbyeol Ko, Jinsung Kim and Jeong Hyun Yi.
Poster: Random Word Error-based Improved Differential Fault Attack on LEA
Seong-Hyuck Lim, Jong-Hyeok Lee and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: Design of Machine Learning based Side Channel Attack Models for Effective Non-Profiling Analysis
Han-Seop Lim, Bo-Yeon Sim, Jaeseung Han, Ju-Hwan Kim and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: TVLA Statistics Test for SEED Hardware Implementation
Jaegeun Moon, Tae-Ho Lee, Yoo-Jin Baek and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: Novel Single-Trace ML profiling Attack on NIST Round 2 Candidate Masked qTESLA Digital Signature Algorithm
Il-Ju Kim, Bo-yeon Sim, Taeho Lee, Jaeseung Han and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: ML Profiling Attack with traces collected from other boards and cards
Taeho Lee, Seong-Hyuck Lim, Jaeseung Han and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: Efficient Method of CPA on Bitslice Block Ciphers
Jaeseung Han, Yeon-Jae Kim, Soo-jin Kim, Bo-Yeon Sim and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: A Design of a Blockchain-based Auction Service for Understanding Performance Characteristics
Minsun Shim, Hyesong Kim, Hayoung You, Jiyoung Lee and Hyung-Jong Kim.
Poster: Novel Differential Fault Attack Utilizing Multiple Fault Injection
Han-Byeol Park, Han-Seop Lim, Jong-Hyeok Lee and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: Faster ECC Scalar Multiplication on FPGA
Asep Muhamad Awaludin, Jonguk Park and Howon Kim.
Poster: Blockchain Service Model Framework for Fake News Prevention
Lee Won Park and Hangbae Chang.
Poster: Novel Single-Trace Attack on Countermeasures against Instruction-related Timing Attack - NIST 2-Round LAC and HQC -
Bo-Yeon Sim and Dong-Guk Han.
Poster: Proposal for User Authentication Method using FIDO based Password Management
Hyunjin Kim, Seongmin Yoo, Jaecheol Ryou and Seokjin Choi.
Poster: Method of Generating a Blacklist for Mobile Devices by Searching Malicious Websites
Takashi Ishihara, Masaya Sato and Toshihiro Yamauchi.
Poster: Parallel De-concealment of SUCI using GPU for 5G Multi-Access
Chan-Guk Jang, Juhong Han and Okyeon Yi.
Poster: Study on Method to Evaluate Impact of Security Configuration Scanning Tool on PLC
Hansaem Wi, Jinhyeok Oh, Juhong Han, Chan-Guk Jang, Yeop Chang, Okyeon Yi.
Poster: Comparative Analysis of Security Vulnerability Response Policy and the Role of the Government
Ji-Hun Lim, Sang-Pil Yoon and Hun-Yeong Kwon.
Poster: Anomaly Detection using Interpretable Probabilistic K Nearest Neighbor Classification
Hyeonjun Ju and Jiwon Yoon.
Poster: Identification of device motion status via Bluetooth discovery
Shing Ki Wong and Siu Ming Yiu.
Poster: HAL based resource manipulation monitoring on AOSP
Thien Phuc Doan and Souhwan Jung.
Poster: StreamingHyp Streaming Data in Lightweight Hypervisor Environment
Hoang Nguyen Huy and Souhwan Jung.
Poster: AdMat: From Malware Detection To Image Classification
Long Nguyen-Vu and Souhwan Jung.
Poster: The Impact of Almost Identical Techniques On Android Security
Ngoc-Tu Chau and Souhwan Jung.
Poster: S-DEB : Self-Destructible Electronic Bracelets for personal information protection in Quarantine Monitoring System
Sung-Kyu Ahn, Hyelim Jung, Sung-Kyung Kim and Ki-Woong Park.