
(1) Regular Paper

Authors are invited to submit original papers: they must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences that have proceedings. An accepted paper must be registered before the registration deadline and presented at the symposium. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the symposium proceedings and the program.

- The submission file is in PDF or PS file format produced via the Easychair
Latex Class file (US letter size) [Available at http://jowua.yolasite.com/resources/easychair.zip ]

- Each paper should be at least 5 pages long based on the Easychair style.

- Submission of a paper implies that should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and present the paper at the symposium.

(2) Poster Paper

The submission should be a single PDF document consisting of (i) the poster abstract and (ii) the poster draft.
Poster abstract : Poster abstract should provide sufficient details about your research showing that you have adequate information to fill a poster.

Poster abstract should meet the following requirements:

- No more than 2-pages, including references and figures

- Submission should not be anonymized

- Titles should begin with “Poster”

Poster draft: All submission must also include draft of the poster to receive feedback from the committee before the symposium. Poster size should be 32x40 inches but can be scaled down to “letter” paper size.

The accepted posters will not be formally published, and their copyright will be owned by their authors. Therefore, authors can present or publish any content of their poster in other conference or journal. Moreover, we will welcome the latest research outcomes, which were introduced at other venue.

The submission of contributions to MobiSec 2021 must occur through the symposium submission system: