Information Technology: ICT, IT applied technology, software engineering, mobile security, multimedia security, distributed networking systems and other related area. |
Bioscience & medical Technology: Bioscience, bioinformatics, medical science, health science, |
Culture technology, tourism, sports and leisure, contents, animation, |
Application for SME's Information Management & Convergence, |
Robotics, shipbuilding, construction, vehicles, urban planning and design, environment with technology, transportation, textile and other related areas. |
Material application, semiconductor process, fatigue analysis and |
Business: Innovative theories and applications in business areas, collaborating works among academia and industries, cases on innovations, and other related areas. |
Nursing Technology: Practical nursing, Nursing Education, Gerontological and Chronic disease Nursing, Psychological Health and Nursing, Health Promotion and other related areas. |
Well-Aging Workshop: Death, happiness, well-dying and other related fieds |
Beauty Cosmetics Technology: Beauty Cosmetics and other related fields |
Education: Convergence Education & Technology. |
Other interesting topics: Other Convergence Technologies. |
■ Presentation and Publication
We are trying to move away from the either/or of place-based or online conferences. For whichever way you choose to participate, we will offer a blended conference experience. Please check the Statement of consent, before submission of the manuscript. An accepted paper should be presented in the conference.