June 25-28, 2023, Fukuoka, Japan |

Korean Society for Internet Information |
The 18th Asia Pacific International Conference
on Information Science and Technology
(APIC-IST 2023)
June 25-28, 2023, Acros Fukuoka, Fukuoka city, Japan

The 18th Asia Pacific International Conference on Information Science and Technology (APIC-IST 2023) will be held on June 25-28, 2023, in Acros Fukuoka, Fukuoka city, Japan. APIC-IST made significant contributions to the areas of CT, BT, and IT. The upcoming APIC-IST 2023 will bring emerging issues on computing environments, web applications, and their new supporting technologies to industry professionals and academic researchers. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be recommended for publication in special issues of two journals indexed by SCIE or ISI-Web of Science
We are glad to invite prospective authors to submit papers / workshop papers in the following areas, including but not limited to:
• Track 1: Network/Internet of Things/Mobile Computing
• Track 2: Intelligent ICT Convergence/Smart Building
• Track 3: Big data platform/analysis/application
• Track 4: Cloud Computing/Digital Twin/Smart Factory
• Track 5: Security System/Information Security
• Track 6: Artificial Intelligence/Time Series Machine Learning
• Track 7: Defense Information Technology/High Performance Computing
• Track 8: Cyber Education/Social Media/Metaverse/UX/SNS
• Track 9: Scientific Public Security/Crime Prevention/Intelligent CCTV Application
• Track 10: Technology Management/E-commerce/Information
• Track 11: Graphics/Image Processing/Video Deep Learning/Video Control
• Track 12: Software High Growth Club
• Track 13: Workshop
• Track 14: KETI Workshop
• Track 15: Poster
Important dates (pending) |
※ Important Dates
• Submission of Abstract: April 17, 2023 April 26, 2023
• Submission of Paper: May 8, 2023
• Decision Notification: May 15, 2023 |
• Submission of Camera-ready Paper: May 22, 2023
• Registration Due: May 22, 2023 (Early),
June 1, 2023 (Regular)
• Conference Date: June 25 - 28, 2023
1. Conference Paper Publishing
All accepted conference papers will be published in the conference proceedings of APIC-IST 2023. When submitting a paper (2 pages for short papers, or at least 3 pages for full papers), authors should refer to format form, which can be downloaded from the APIC-IST 2023 website.
2. Journal Publishing
Selected papers will be recommended for publication of the following international journals, after further revision and extension To be considered for journal publication, authors should submit a full paper (at least 3 pages in length)
• KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (indexed by SCIE)
• Journal of Internet Computing and Services (indexed by ISI-Web of Science)
3. Best Paper Award
The Best Paper Award will be given during the conference closing session. Award nominees are limited to authors of full papers.
APIC-IST 2023 Call for Posters and Workshops |
We invite proposals for workshops on special and emerging topics in any area regarding the above 14 tracks of the 18th APIC-IST 2023. Please email a one-page workshop proposal to Prof. Ji-Hwan Kim (kimjihwan@sogang.ac.kr), containing the following information:
1. Title and brief description (200-400 words) of the special session: e.g., Special Session on Web Mining
2. Special Session chair (s): name, affiliation, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail
Honorary Chair: Kwanghoon Pio Kim, Kyonggi University, Korea
Conference Chair: Jang-Hyun Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Program Co-Chairs: Ji-Hwan Kim,, Sogang University, Korea
For more information about conference, please refer to http://www.apicist.org. If you have any questions about CFP, please email ksii@ksii.or.kr or Prof. Ji-Hwan Kim (kimjihwan@sogang.ac.kr).