CUTE 2020 Announcement
Dear authors
We are sorry to inform that we cannot hold CUTE conference this year. Due to unavoidable circumstances such as COVID-19, we are unable to organize the conference. However, if you have a will to process your paper for the review of JIPS journal, please send the information below:
. Papers Title(Papers No.) :
. Author Name :
. Affiliation (Organization) :
. Title/Position :
. Email Address :
. Mobile Phone Number :
We will hold CUTE conference next year and we hope to meet all the authors at CUTE 2021.
Thank you for your interest in CUTE.
Best Wishes,
Kyung-Oh Lee, Organization Chair of CUTE 2020
We are sorry to inform that we cannot hold CUTE conference this year. Due to unavoidable circumstances such as COVID-19, we are unable to organize the conference. However, if you have a will to process your paper for the review of JIPS journal, please send the information below:
. Papers Title(Papers No.) :
. Author Name :
. Affiliation (Organization) :
. Title/Position :
. Email Address :
. Mobile Phone Number :
We will hold CUTE conference next year and we hope to meet all the authors at CUTE 2021.
Thank you for your interest in CUTE.
Best Wishes,
Kyung-Oh Lee, Organization Chair of CUTE 2020