Session 1A. 6G, 5G, PS-LTE, LTE-R, LTE-Advanced (July 6, 2022 13:00-14:30)
Session Chair: Prof. Sunwoong Choi, Kookmin University
Rate Splitting Multiple Access for a MISO SWIPT System Aided by a Power Beacon
Mario Rodrigo Camana, Carla Estefania Garcia and Insoo Koo
(University of Ulsan, Korea (South))
Throughput Improvement by Transmit 3D Beamforming and MCS Incorporating 1024-QAM
Kentaro Yoda, Takumi Yasaka and Hiroyuki Otsuka (Kogakuin
University, Japan)
Reflection Design with LS Channel Estimation for RIS-Enhanced OFDM Systems
Fan-Shuo Tseng and Tsang-Yi Wang (National Sun Yat-sen
University, Taiwan)
A Low-Complexity Multiuser Adaptive Modulation Scheme for MRC Receivers in Massive MIMO Systems
Amin Radbord (University of Guilan, Iran); Mohammed Abdel-Hafez
(United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates); Mohammadreza Amini (Carleton
University, Canada)
Characteristics of Transmit Power Allocation for Poor Conditioned End Devices in LPWAN with Peak
Detection Based Carrier Sense
Shusuke Narieda (Mie University, Japan); Takeo Fujii (The
University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Session 1B. Open Wireless Networking (July 6, 2022 13:00-14:30)
Session Chair: Danfeng Sun, Institut f. Automation und Kommunikation
On Designing Interfaces to Access Deep Learning Inference Services
Seung Woo Kum (Korea Elecronics Technology Institute, Korea
(South)); Seungtaek Oh (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (South)); Jc Yeom
(KETI, Korea (South)); Jaewon Moon (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (South))
Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Scheduling for Medical Applications on IEEE 802.15.6
Guilherme Gil (University of Aveiro, Portugal); Paulo Pedreiras
(University of Aveiro & Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal); Luís Moutinho (University
of Aveiro, Portugal)
Spectrum Based Traffic Classification in Wireless Network Using Deep Hybrid Neural Network
Md. Habibur Rahman, Raihan Bin Mofidul and Yeong Min Jang
(Kookmin University, Korea (South))
QoE Comparison of Retransmission and AL-FEC on Audiovisual Groupcast over Wireless LANs
Toshiro Nunome and Minoru Ishida (Nagoya Institute of
Technology, Japan)
Dynamic Adaptive Agent with Critical Movement Detection for the Next Generation of Spatial Reuse
Yoshima Syach Putri, Dion Tanjung, Kim DongHyun and Jong Deok
Kim (Pusan National University, Korea (South))
Session 1C. Future Internet and Network (July 6, 2022 13:00-14:30)
Session Chair: Prof. Kae Won Choi, Sungkyunkwan University
Intelligent Addressing and Routing Strategy for Smart Devices on Interactive Internet of
Everything Platforms
Pradheep Kumar Kamalasekaran (Assistant Professor & BITS
Pilani, India); Srinivasan Narayansamy and Murali Bhaskaran Bhaskaran (Rajalakshmi
Engineering College, India)
Optimization of Millimeter-Wave Base Station Deployment in 5G Networks
Qingwen Zeng (BNU-HKBU United International College, China)
Centralized Ultra-Precision Service Control System for Providing Ultra-Precision Services in
Large-Scale Deterministic Networks
Eung Ha Kim and Yeoncheol Ryoo (ETRI, Korea (South))
Deep Neural Network Based Parallel Signal Detection in SM-OFDM System
Jinmei Zhang, Zhiquan Bai, Kaiyue Yang and Abeer Mohamed
(Shandong University, China); Kyung Sup Kwak (Inha University, Korea (South)); Xinhong Hao
(Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
Beamspace Based AIC and MDL Algorithm for Counting the Number of Signals in Specific Range
Heui-Seon Park, Suk-seung Hwang and Seokjoo Shin (Chosun
University, Korea (South)); Jae-Young Pyun (Chosun University & Dept. of Information and
Communication Engineering, Korea (South))
Session 2A. AI/Machine Learning for Mobile Communications (July 6, 2022 14:40-16:10)
Session Chair: Prof. Mohammed Abdel Hafez, United Arab Emirates University
Channel BlaQLisT: Channel Blacklist Using Q-Learning for TSCH
Junmyeung Kim and Sang-Hwa Chung (Pusan National University,
Korea (South))
Deep Learning Based Signal Detection in Dual Mode Generalized Spatial Modulation
Kaiyue Yang, Zhiquan Bai, Jinmei Zhang and Ke Pang (Shandong
University, China); Xinhong Hao (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
An Explainable Multi-Task Learning Approach for RF-Based UAV Surveillance Systems
Rubina Akter (Kumoh National Institute of Technology &
Networked Systems Laboratory, Korea (South)); Sang Van Doan (Vietnam Naval Academy, Vietnam
& ICT CRC, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South)); Ahmad Zainudin and Dong
Seong Kim (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South))
Dependability Prediction with Logical Link Correlation for Industrial Wireless Communication
Danfeng Sun (Institut f. Automation und Kommunikation,
Germany); Zeyun Xiao and Huifeng Wu (Hangzhou Dianzi University, China)
DNN Aided PSO Based-Scheme for a Secure Energy Efficiency Maximization in a Cooperative NOMA
System with a Non-Linear EH
Carla Estefania Garcia, Mario Rodrigo Camana and Insoo Koo
(University of Ulsan, Korea (South))
Session 2B. Security and Network Managements (July 6, 2022 14:40-16:10)
Session Chair: Prof. Insoo Sohn, Dongguk University
Ethereum Based Storage Aware Mining for Permissioned Blockchain Network
Ikechi Igboanusi, Allwinnaldo Allwinnaldo and Revin Naufal
Alief (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South)); Muhammad Rasyid Redha Ansori
(Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Korea (South)); Jae-Min Lee and Dong Seong
Kim (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South))
RPL Authenticated Mode Evaluation: Authenticated Key Exchange and Network Behavioral
Arif Burak Ordu and Mehmet Bayar (Istanbul Technical University
& Aselsan Inc., Turkey); Berna Ors (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
Blockchain-Based Secure Ambulance-To-Everything Communications in Emergency Rescue Operations
Chakkaphong Suthaputchakun (Bangkok University, Thailand); Yue
Cao (Wuhan University, China)
Joint Power and Subcarrier Allocation in Multi-Cell Multi-Carrier NOMA
Subhankar Banerjee (University of Maryland, USA); Chung Shue
Chen (Nokia Bell Labs, France); Marceau Coupechoux (LTCI, Télécom Paris, Institut
Polytechnique de Paris, France); Abhishek Sinha (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Intent-Based 5G UPF Configuration via Kubernetes Operators in the Edge
Akos Leiter and Attila Hegyi (Nokia Bell Labs, Hungary); Istvan
Kispal (Nokia - Bell Labs Research, Hungary); Nandor Galambosi (Nokia Bell labs, Hungary);
Peter Fazekas (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary); Peter Kulics,
Péter Hegyi and Jozsef Biro (Nokia Bell Labs, Hungary)
Session 2C. AI/Machine Learning for Internet of Things (IoT) (July 6, 2022 14:40-16:10)
Session Chair: Prof. Jae Yun Jun, ECE Paris
Implicit Multi-Hop Communication Scheme Based on Overhearing in IoT LoRa Networks
Dick Mugerwa, Euisin Lee, Youngju Nam, Hyunseok Choi and Yongje
Shin (Chungbuk National University, Korea (South)); Hyunchong Cho (Chungbuk National
University & Research Institute for Computer and Information Communication, Korea (South))
Deep Learning and Power Allocation Analysis in NOMA System
Mohammad Gaballa and Maysam F Abbod (Brunel University London,
United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Ammar Sami Aldallal (Ahlia University, Bahrain)
Unslotted CSMA/CA Mechanism with Reinforcement Learning of Wi-SUN MAC Layer
Sihyeon Lee and Sang-Hwa Chung (Pusan National University,
Korea (South))
Unicast Subslot Scheduling for Wi-SUN FAN System with Packet Collision Reduction
Hee-Jun Lee and Sang-Hwa Chung (Pusan National University,
Korea (South))
Lightweight P2P-RPL for Efficient P2P Communication in 6TiSCH Networks
Jeongbae Park and Sang-Hwa Chung (Pusan National University,
Korea (South))
Session 3A. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks and Autonomous Vehicles (July 6, 2022 16:40-18:10)
Session Chair: Dr. Sang Kil Lee, IITP
Enhanced Velocity Estimation Based on Joint Doppler Frequency and Range Rate Measurements
Sohee Lim, Jaehoon Jung and Jihye Kim (Seoul National
University, Korea (South)); Jeongsik Choi (Kyungpook National University, Korea (South));
Seong-Cheol Kim (Seoul National University, Korea (South))
Cyber Threats and Cybersecurity Reassessed in UAVs Assisted Cyber Physical Systems
Majumder Haider, Imtiaz Ahmed and Danda B. Rawat (Howard
University, USA)
Object Detection Performance According to Packet Loss of C-V2X
Eunmin Choi (DGIST, Korea (South)); Dongyoon Kwon and Kyungtae
Kim (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (South)); Ji-Woong Choi
(DGIST, Korea (South))
Decentralized Collaborative Decision-Making for Topology Building in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Philipp Helle, Sergio Feo Arenis, Kevin Shortt and Carsten
Strobel (Airbus, Germany)
Introduction to Secure Computing Methods in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Soohyun Park and Minjae Yoo (Korea University, Korea (South));
Soyi Jung (Hallym University, Korea (South)); Minseok Choi (Kyung Hee University, Korea
(South)); Joongheon Kim (Korea University, Korea (South))
Session 3B. Ubiquitous Computing and Sensor Networks (July 6, 2022 16:40-18:10)
Session Chair: Prof. Hyunggon Park, Ewha Womans University
An Autonomous Sailboat for Environment Monitoring
Yung-Wey Chong, Yee-Teng Ang and Wey-Kean Ng (Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Malaysia); Jian Wan (Aston University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Chee
Su-Yin (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia); Firth Louise (University of Plymouth, United
Kingdom (Great Britain))
Accident Detection and Road Condition Monitoring Using Blackbox Module
Insan Arafat Jahan (IUT, Bangladesh); Insan Arafat Jamil (CUET,
Bangladesh); Mohammad Shakhawat Hossain Fahim (BRAC University, Bangladesh); Armana Sabiha
Huq (BUET, Bangladesh); Fahim Faisal and Mirza Muntasir Nishat (Islamic University of
Technology, Bangladesh)
Reinforcement Learning-Based MAC for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wireless Sensor
Faisal Ahmed, Ethungshan Shitiri and Ho-Shin Cho (Kyungpook
National University, Korea (South))
TinyML Smart Sensor for Energy Saving in IoT Precision Agriculture Platform
Nicolas Chollet (ECE Paris & LISV - Université de Paris Saclay,
France); Naila Bouchemal (ECE Paris, France); Amar Ramdane-Cherif (Université de Versailles
St.-Quentin en Yvelines & LISV Laboratory, France)
Design of Middle Range Microwave Power Transfer (MPT) System for the Mobile Power Receiver
Changyoung An and Heung-Gyoon Ryu (Chungbuk National
University, Korea (South))
July 7, 2022 (Thursday)
Session 4A. Cloud Computing and Networks (July 7, 2022 14:30-16:00)
Session Chair: Akos Leiter, Nokia Bell Labs
A Survey of Autoscaling in Kubernetes
Minh-Ngoc Tran, younghan Kim and Dai Dinh Vu (Soongsil
University, Korea (South))
Modelling the Offload of AI Tasks in Mobile Clouds
Zhiyan Chen and Ligang He (University of Warwick, United
Kingdom (Great Britain))
Design and Development of Server-Client Cooperation Framework for Federated Learning
Jongbin Park (Korea Electronics Technology Institute & KETI,
Korea (South)); Seung-woo Kum (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (South))
Optimum Control Method of Workload Placement and Air Conditioners in a GPU Server Environment
Nakazato Hikotoshi (NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories,
Japan); Seisuke Arai (NTT, Japan); Masashi Kaneko (NTT Corporation, Japan)
Paul Friedemann (Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany);
Nils Rodday (Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany & University of Twente, The
Netherlands); Gabi Dreo Rodosek (Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany)
Privacy-Preserving Surveillance for Smart Cities
Ijaz Ahmad (Chosun University, Korea (South)); Eunkyung Kim
(Hanbat National University, Korea (South)); Suk-seung Hwang and Seokjoo Shin (Chosun
University, Korea (South))
Software-Defined Networking: A New Approach to Fifth Generation Networks - Security Issues and
Challenges Ahead
Behrooz Daneshmand (ITMO University, Russia); Tu Anh Le
(University ITMO, Kronverkskiy Prospekt, 49, St Petersburg, Russia)
Session 5A. Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (July 7, 2022 16:30-18:10)
Session Chair: Prof. Junhee Seok, Korea University
Efficient Device-Edge Inference for Disaster Classification
Nathaniel Tan Sze Yang (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Malaysia); Tham Mau Luen (UTAR, Malaysia); Sing Yee Chua and Ying Loong Lee (Universiti
Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia); Yasunori Owada (National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Japan); Suvit Poomrittigul (Pathumwan Institute of Technology,
Evaluating Correctness of Reinforcement Learning Based on Actor-Critic Algorithms
Youngjae Kim, Manzoor Hussain, Jae-Won Suh and Jang-Eui Hong
(Chungbuk National University, Korea (South))
Leveraging Vehicular Communications in Automatic VRUs Accidents Detection
Bruno Ribeiro (University of Minho, Portugal); Alexandre Santos
(University of Minho & Centro Algoritmi, Portugal); Maria João M. R. da C. Nicolau
(Universidade do Minho & Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal)
Signal Relaying Method for High Data Rate in the MIMO System
Yong-An Jung, Dong-Cheul Han, Soo-Hyun Cho and Han-Jae Shin
(Gumi Electronics & Information Technology Research Institute, Korea (South)); Sunghun Lee
(GERI, Korea (South)); Jae-Hyun Ro (Jeonbuk Institude of Automotive Convergence Technology,
Korea (South))
Optimization Technique of Indoor-Outdoor User Pairing in DL-NOMA System
Adel Alqahtani (University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great
Learning-Based Second Price Auction for Distributed Delivery Scheduling in Smart and Autonomous
Urban Air Mobility
Joongheon Kim (Korea University, Korea (South))
Technical Challenges and Categorization of 5G Mobile Services
Ronald Beaubrun (Université Laval, Canada)
Infrastructure-Independent Pseudonym Swap Protocol for Vehicular Networks
Abdueli Paulo Mdee, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo and
Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea (South))
Recent Advances in a Medical Domain Metaverse: Status, Challenges, and Perspective
Jose M Ruiz Mejia and Danda B. Rawat (Howard University, USA)
Search Space Adaptation for Differentiable Neural Architecture Search in Image Classification
Youngkee Kim (Korea Univiersity, Korea (South)); Soyi Jung
(Hallym University, Korea (South)); Minseok Choi (Kyung Hee University, Korea (South));
Joongheon Kim (Korea University, Korea (South))
July 8, 2022 (Fri)
Session 6A. Cyber-physical system (CPS) & Information Networks (July 8, 2022 09:30-11:00)
Session Chair: Prof. Ki-Hyung Kim, Ajou University
Design and Implementation of a Digital Twin Platform in Vertical Farming Systems
Taehwan Ko and Hea-Min Lee (Korea Electronics Technology
Institute, Korea (South)); Sung-Woo Byun (Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI) &
Jeonbuk Regional Branch, Korea (South)); Donghee Noh and Choi Ju-Hwan (Korea Electronics
Technology Institute, Korea (South))
User-Centered Design to Enhance IoT Cybersecurity Awareness of Non-Experts in Smart Buildings
Hanning Zhao and Bilhanan Silverajan (Tampere University,
CNN Based Multi-View Image Quality Enhancement
Gyu-Lee Jeon (Ewha Womans University, Korea(South)); Hee-Jae
Kim, Eun Yeo and Jewon Kang (Ewha Womans University, Korea (South))
Improving Per-Flow Fairness by ML-Based Estimation of Competing Flows' Congestion Control
Keito Maeta, Gen Kitagata and Go Hasegawa (Tohoku University,
Mitigating Coordinate Transformation for Solving Partial Differential Equations with
Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Hyo-Seok Hwang and Suhan Son (Korea University, Korea (South));
Yoojoong Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea (South)); Junhee Seok (Korea
University, Korea (South))
Session 6B. Network Theory and Network Science (July 8, 2022 09:30-11:00)
Session Chair: Prof. Sanghwan Lee, Kookmin University
Experimental Evaluation of Roaming Performance of Cellular IoT Networks
Kalpit Ballal (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark);
Radheshyam Singh, Lars Dittmann and Sarah Ruepp (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Traffic Analytics Development Kits (TADK): Enable Real-Time AI Inference in Networking Apps
Kun Qiu and Harry Chang (Intel, China); Ying Wang (Intel R&D,
China); Xiahui Yu, Wenjun Zhu, Yingqi Liu, Jianwei Ma and Weigang Li (Intel, China); Xiaobo
Liu and Shuo Dai (ZTE, China)
A Framework for Named Networking on Edge AI
Fritz Kevin Flores and Marnel Peradilla (De La Salle
University, Philippines)
Karri Huhtanen (Radiator Software Oy, Finland); Antti
Kolehmainen (Tampere University, Finland)
An Improved Relay Selection Scheme for FD-MIMO Based System
Sung-hun Lee, Sang-Bong Byun, Dong-Cheul Han, Han-Jae Shin,
Soo-Hyun Cho and Yong-An Jung (Gumi Electronics & Information Technology Research Institute,
Korea (South))
July 5, 2022 (Tuesday)
Workshop 1A. The 9th International Workshop on Intelligent Vehicles (IV 2022) (July 5, 2022 16:30-17:30)
Workshop Chair: Prof. Dong Seog Han, Kyungpook National University
Analysis of V2V Communication Performance on Roads and Tunnels Surrounded by Mountains
Young Jin Yoon (University of Kyung Pook, Korea (South)); Dong
Seog Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea (South))
3D Map Reconstruction from Single Satellite Image Using a Deep Monocular Depth Network
ChangMin Son and Soon-Yong Park (Kyungpook National University,
Korea (South))
Pig Treatment Classification on Thermal Image Data Using Deep Learning
Savina Colaco (Kyungpook National University, Korea (South));
Jung Hwan Kim (KyungPook National University, Korea (South)); Alwin Poulose (Kyungpook
National University, Korea (South)); Sanne Van Zutphen and Suresh Neethirajan (Wageningen
University & Research, The Netherlands); Dong Seog Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea
Dual-Inferences Mechanism for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
Min Young Kim and Quyen Van Toan (Kyungpook National
University, Korea (South))
End-To-End Autonomous Driving Using the Ape-X Algorithm in Carla Simulation Environment
Maxence Hussonnois (Deakin University, Australia); Jae Yun Jun
Kim (ECE Paris, France)
Workshop 1B. The 3rd International Workshop on Smart Radio for IoT Era I (SRIoT 2022 I) (July 5, 2022 16:30-17:30)
Workshop Chair: Prof. Takeo Fujii, The University of Electro-Communications
Device Adaptive Control Method Considering Power Consumption for Pedestrian-To-Infrastructure
Noriyuki Oki and Atsuki Mukoda (The University of
Electro-Communications & Advanded Wireless and Communication Research Center (AWCC), Japan);
Ayumu Ueda (The University of Electro-Communications & Advanced Wireless and Communication
Research Center (AWCC), Japan); Takeo Fujii (The University of Electro-Communications,
Evaluation of Transmission Timing Control Error for QZSS Short Message SS-CDMA Communication
Hiroshi Oguma and Rei Kawai (National Institute of Technology,
Toyama College, Japan); Suguru Kameda (Hiroshima University, Japan); Noriharu Suematsu
(Tohoku University, Japan)
Characteristics of RSSI Kriging Interpolated Value in Neighborhood of Buildings
Ryo Miyamoto and Shusuke Narieda (Mie University, Japan); Takeo
Fujii (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan); Hiroshi Naruse (MIE UNIV, Japan)
Differential Packet Level Index Modulation for Low Power Wide Area System
Mai Ohta (Fukuoka University, Japan); Takeo Fujii (The
University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Workshop 1C. The 3rd International Workshop on Smart Radio for IoT Era II (SRIoT 2022 II) (July 5, 2022 16:30-17:30)
Workshop Chair: Prof. Suguru Kameda, Hiroshima University
Dual Energy-Aware Based Trajectory Optimization for UAV Emergency Wireless Communication
Network: A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach
Amr Amrallah (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan); Ehab
Mahmoud Mohamed (Aswan University, Egypt); Gia Khanh Tran (Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Japan); Kei Sakaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology & Fraunhofer HHI, Japan)
Identifying Invalid Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh Networks by Using the Bayesian Probability
Classification Algorithm and Time to Live
Ta-Te Lu, Hsuan-Yi Li and Bo-Yu Jheng (Chien Hsin University of
Science and Technology, Taiwan)
Performance Evaluation of Highly Efficient Information Collection Methods by Trend Analysis of
Sensor Information Using Pre-Learning
Ryuji Miyamoto, Osamu Takyu and Hiroshi Fujiwara (Shinshu
University, Japan); Koichi Adachi (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan); Mai
Ohta (Fukuoka University, Japan); Takeo Fujii (The University of Electro-Communications,
High-Sensitivity Detection Method for Signals in PhyC-SN
Toshi Ito and Osamu Takyu (Shinshu University, Japan); Mai Ohta
(Fukuoka University, Japan); Takeo Fujii and Koichi Adachi (The University of
Electro-Communications, Japan)
Poster 1. (July 6, 2022 16:40-18:10)
Poster Chair: Prof. Hyunhee Park, Myongji University
A Lightweight End-To-End Neural Networks for Decoding Motor Imagery Brain Signal
Hyeon Kyu Lee, Ji-Soo Myoung and Young-Seok Choi (Kwangwoon
University, Korea (South))
Reinforcement Learning-Based Multiple Camera Collaboration Control Scheme
Dongchil Kim (Korea Electronics Techonlogy Institute (KETI),
Korea (South)); Chang Mo Yang (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (South))
Multi-Label Text Classification of Economic Concepts from Economic News Articles Using Natural
Language Processing
Soo Jeong Kim and Junhee Seok (Korea University, Korea
(South)); Minhyeok Lee (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South))
TCAE: Temporal Convolutional Autoencoders for Time Series Anomaly Detection
Jinuk Park (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea
(South)); Yongju Park (Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Korea (South));
Chang-il Kim (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (South))
Ride-Hailing Service Aware Electric Taxi Fleet Management Using Reinforcement Learning
Paul Silva (Jeonbuk National University, Korea (South));
Young-Joo Han (Hyundai Motor Group, Korea (South)); Young-Chon Kim (Chonbuk National
University, Korea (South)); Dong-Ki Kang (Jeonbuk National University, Korea (South))
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)-Based Authentication Scheme for Smart Health Care System
Alnazif Mohammed Alnour and Ki-Hyung Kim (Ajou University,
Korea (South))
July 7, 2022 (Thursday)
Poster 2. (July 7, 2022 16:30-18:00)
Poster Chair: Prof. Junsu Kim, Tech University of Korea
Accelerating University Admission System Using Machine Learning Techniques
Basil Y Alothman (Kuwait College of Science and Technology
(KCST), Kuwait); Hanadi Alazmi, Mohammad Bin Ali and Noor Alqallaf (Kuwait College of
Science and Technology, Kuwait); Murad Khan (Kyungpook National University & Sarhad
University of Science and Technology, Korea (South))
Unsupervised Deep Learning-Based End-To-End Network for Anomaly Detection
Bekhzod Olimov, Barathi Subramanian and Jeonghong Kim
(Kyungpook National University, Korea (South))
VLC Positioning by Hybrid Wk-NN/DNN in Indoor Environment
Sung Hyun Oh (Tech University of Korea, Korea (South)); Jeong
Gon Kim (Korea Polytechnic University, Korea (South))
Detecting the Ripeness of Strawberries and the Coordinates of the Hull Using Deep Learning
Seojeong Kim and Sunghwan Jeong (Korea Electronics Technology
Institute, Korea (South)); Heegon Kim and Sooho Jeong (Jeonnam Agricultural Research &
Extension Services, Korea (South)); Yun Ga-yun (Jeonnam Agricultural Research & Extension
Servies, Korea(South), Korea (South)); Keunho Park (Korea Electronics Technology Institute,
Korea (South))
Introduction to a New Use-Case Based on MPEG-IoMT: Time-Series Temperature Data Analysis by the
Flower Condition
Jaewon Moon (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea
(South)); Seung Woo Kum (Korea Elecronics Technology Institute, Korea (South)); Seungtaek Oh
(Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (South))
Poster 3. (July 7, 2022 16:30-18:10)
Poster Chair: Prof. Junbeom Hur, Korea University
Short-Term PM2.5 Prediction Using Modified Attention Seq2Seq BiLSTM
Ida Bagus Krishna Yoga Utama, Duc Hoang Tran and Yeong Min Jang
(Kookmin University, Korea (South))
An Improved Sensor Anomaly Detection Method in IoT System Using Federated Learning
Duc Hoang Tran, Van Linh Nguyen, Ida Bagus Krishna Yoga Utama
and Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University, Korea (South))
Enhanced 3D Action Recognition Based on Deep Neural Network
Sungjoo Park (KETI, Korea (South)); Dongchil Kim (Korea
Electronics Techonlogy Institute (KETI), Korea (South))
Object Tracking of Aerial Imaging Device Image Using Variational Autoencoder and External Memory
Keunho Park, Byoungjun Kim, Donghoon Kim, Seon-Hyeong Kim,
Seojeong Kim and Sunghwan Jeong (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (South))
MissVoxelNet: 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicle in Snow Conditions
Myungsik Yoo and Anh Do (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
July 8, 2022 (Friday)
Poster 4. (July 7, 2022 09:30-11:00)
Poster Chair: Prof. Jeong Ryun Lee, Chung-Ang University
A Comparative Analysis of 2D Deep CNN Models for Arrhythmia Detection Using STFT-Based Long
Duration ECG Spectrogram
Tabassum Islam Toma and Sunwoong Choi (Kookmin University,
Korea (South))
Learning Based Clinical Diagnosis Framework for Inconsistently and Partially Labeled Dataset
Jae-Wook Jung and Sang-Eun Jeon (Pukyong National University,
Korea (South)); Jae Hyun Lee, Juhyeon Kim and Yeong Kyun Bae (Kosin University Gospel
Hospital, Korea (South)); Jun-Pyo Hong (Pukyong National University, Korea (South))
Design of Obstacle Detection Method for Autonomous Driving in Agricultural Environments
Sung-Woo Byun (Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI) &
Jeonbuk Regional Branch, Korea (South)); Donghee Noh and Hea-Min Lee (Korea Electronics
Technology Institute, Korea (South))
Design of Autonomous Driving Algorithms for Fruit Harvesting in Orchards
Hea-Min Lee, Donghee Noh and HyunGu Kang (Korea Electronics
Technology Institute, Korea (South)); Sung-Woo Byun (Korea Electronics Technology Institute
(KETI) & Jeonbuk Regional Branch, Korea (South)); Choi Ju-Hwan (Korea Electronics Technology
Institute, Korea (South))
Abnormal Voltage Regulation Detection in On-Grid PV-ESS System by Support Vector Machine with
Principal Component Analysis
Md. Morshed Alam, Raihan Bin Mofidul, Radityo Fajar Pamungkas
and Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University, Korea (South))