

Presentation Information !

· All oral or poster presentations are displayed online in digital format (PPT with voice recorded), i.e. no offline poster presentation session. All sessions and meetings will be held both online and
offline, and strictly controlled in accordance with the social distancing regulations against the COVID19 pandemic for the safety of the participants. Online presentation will be held with the Remote Meeting (https://www.remotemeeting.com/en/home),
which is collaboration and video conferencing application (live stream). You can access the Remote Meeting on the web, and mobile app. on Android and iOS. Access code will be sent to the participants to join the meeting.

· Oral presentation (within 15 minutes):

Presenter canselect one of the following tree methods:
(Method 1) Presentation in person
(Method 2) Real-time streaming presentation
(Method 3) Please send a PowerPoint file with voice recording within 15 minutes to the conference until Nov. 7th. A chair will
play the recorded file on time. And the file will be posted on the conference website until the end of the conference. To
avoid any technical issues from presenter side, authors who choose the Method 2 also requested to record a voiceover narration for their PPT presentation and send it by Nov.7th. A presenter should give feedback on the questions on the bulletin (Q/A) board.

· Poster presentation (within 5 minutes):

Please send a PowerPoint file (Poster size of 90 cm x 120 cm) with voice recording within 5 minutes to the conference until Nov. 7th with voice recording.
The file will be shortly presented in the poster session in the afternoon of the first conference day, and posted on the conference website util the end of the conference.
A presenter should give feedback on the questions on the bulletin (Q/A) board.