Editorial system served by MANUSCRIPTLINK is a promising web based software to manage the editorial process.
It is for journal manager, editors, authors and reviewers.
Full-fledged Service Support
Our service supports the workflow of manuscript submission and peer-review completely. It is designed for journal managers, editorial members, authors, and reviewers to accomplish their tasks efficiently.
Refined and Intuitive User Interface
Our service features a more refined and intuitive user interface as compared to other similar services. Our goal is to elevate customers' perception of system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency.
Partnership for High Impact Journal
Making contract with us means to establish the partnership for ensuring high quality of your academic journal.
Unlimited Submissions
Authors who been signed up to your service can submit a manuscript to your journal and the number of such submissions are unlimited.
Reviewer Recommendation
We understand well how difficult editorial members select reviewers for a submitted manuscript. So, our service includes a reviewer recommendation scheme based on our scholarly expert database, and the scheme continues to be developed by our researchers.
Fair and Reasonable Service Fee
We set up the price point for our service that is fair to our customers and us. The amount is based upon the promised quality of our service. We will be also trying to reduce the price continuously.
Supported Roles
Journal Managers
- Journal managers are able to setup their journal management system, enrolls the editors, and manage the administrative procedure for manuscripts submitted to their journals.
- Journal managers are also able to open special issue tracks and enroll the corresponding guest editors.
Download Manual (English)
- Editor-in-Chiefs, working with journal managers, are able to establish the procedure and policy for their journals, oversee and manage the entire editorial process.
- Associate editors are able to manage the review process for manuscripts to which they have been assigned.
- Guest editors are able to manage the overall editorial procedure, including review process, for manuscripts submitted to special issue tracks.
Download Manual (English)
- Authors are able to register and submit their manuscripts directly through the online service while providing metadata or indexing information on the submitted manuscripts.
- Authors are able to track their submission through the editorial process on the online service.
- Authors are also able to archive all information, including review results, for manuscripts submitted to any journals enrolled to the online service.
Download Manual (English)
You can experience our service in the DEMO site made with care.
All workflow scenarios given to virtual journals are accommodated in the DEMO site.
You do not need to sign in and it is just free!

Pricing & Service Opening
- Unlimited Submissions
- Everyday Service Enhancement
- Full Customization to Client's Journal Workflow
- Prearranged Email Templates and Configuration
- Automatic Email Forwarding to Editorial Members and Authors
- Editorial Members' Reviewer Selection, Invitation, and Assignment
- Camera-Ready Manuscript Submission
- Authors' Galley Proofs Verification
- Section Management and Associate Editors
- Special Issues and Guest Editors
- Revised Manuscript Submission and Review Recirculation
- Fast and Urgent Tracks Management
- Journal Promotion at call4paper.com, Our Affiliated Online Service
- Published Paper Promotion via Facebook and Twitter
- Publication Fee Invoicing to Author
- Reviewer Filtering and Recommendation
- Reviewer Rating Management by Editorial Members
- Author and Reviewer Certification
- Unlimited Submissions
- Everyday Service Enhancement
- Full Customization to Client's Journal Workflow
- Prearranged Email Templates and Configuration
- Automatic Email Forwarding to Editorial Members and Authors
- Editorial Members' Reviewer Selection, Invitation, and Assignment
- Camera-Ready Manuscript Submission
- Authors' Galley Proofs Verification
- Section Management and Associate Editors
- Special Issues and Guest Editors
- Revised Manuscript Submission and Review Recirculation
- Fast and Urgent Tracks Management
- Journal Promotion at call4paper.com, Our Affiliated Online Service
- Published Paper Promotion via Facebook and Twitter
- 10 Submissions/Month limitation
- Everyday Service Enhancement
- Full Customization to Client's Journal Workflow
- Prearranged Email Templates and Configuration
- Automatic Email Forwarding to Editorial Members and Authors
- Editorial Members' Reviewer Selection, Invitation, and Assignment
- Camera-Ready Manuscript Submission
- Authors' Galley Proofs Verification
We have many journals and want to open en individual manuscript submission and peer-review service for each of our journal. Do you have a discount program for us?
Yes, we have a program to offer monthly (or yearly) service discounts for clients to open two or more journal workflow services by using a member account. The exact discount policy is being setup now. Please contact us to receive a quote with pricing details.
Could you change or adjust some service functions or web page contents for the journal workflow features that we have only?
If a client opened and subscribed to our Free service, it is not possible. On the other hand, we can change or adjust some functions or web page contents to a client's request if the client subscribed to our Premium service and the requested changes or adjustments are not big deals. Please note that we are updating our service platform everyday without a client's request and all clients are enjoying such updates.
Latest Updates
We have recently increased the font size to accommodate the higher screen resolutions of our users.
We added the review period for each assigned reviewer to appear in the table in D-Day format
We upgraded our servers to improve performance.
The system database upgrades were completed successfully.
The journal manager can manage the similarity of camera-ready paper.
Our Clients
Health and Social Care Journal
International Journal of Cyber Criminology
Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions
Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls
Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences
Malaysian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
KICS The journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
Journal of Internet Computing and Services
Journal of Power Electronics
Journal of Platform Technology
Journal of Information Processing Systems
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
The Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment
Engineering International
Global Disclosure of Economics and Business
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences
Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature