2024 13th International Conference on Computer Technologies and Development (TechDev 2024)

TechDev 2024

Engineering & Computer Science (General)

★ Publication★

Submissions will be sent to at least two conference committee members for peer review. Accepted, registered, and presented papers will be included into TechDev 2024 Conference Proceedings, published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS), sent to IEEE Xplore for inclusion, and submitted to be indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc....

★Call for paper★

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

· Computer Organizations and Architectures

· Operating Systems, Software Systems, and Communication Protocols

· Real-time Systems, Embedded Systems, and Distributed Systems

· Digital Devices, Computer Components, and Interconnection Networks

· Specification, Design, Prototyping, and Testing Methods and Tools

· Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Computational Science

· Performance, Fault Tolerance, Reliability, Security, and Testability

· Case Studies and Experimental and Theoretical Evaluations

· New and Important Applications and Trends

For details about topics and our tracks, please via http://www.icctd.org/cfp.html


Authors are advised to submit your abstract or full-length paper via Submission System. Please submit the paper as a PDF file. The file size should not exceed 10 MByte.

1. Submission System:https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/techdev2024

2. Submit to email: TechDev_conf@outlook.com

More detail about submission, please via http://www.icctd.org/sub.html

★Keynote Speakers★

Prof. Jinwen Ma, Peking University, China

Prof. Mike Joy, University of Warwick, UK

Prof. Weidong Yang, Fudan University, China

Assoc. Prof. Hoshang Kolivand, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

★Conference Award★

Best Paper Award

1. The first author of the registered paper.

2. Oral Presentation Type.

3. The winner will be selected by the Program Committee.

Excellent Presentation Award

For every session, an excellent presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, technical merit, PPT and presentation.

★Conference Schedule★

October 9, 2024  Conference Registration, Materials Collection, and Visit      

October 10, 2024 Openning Remarks & Keynote Speeches & Parallel Sessions

October 11, 2024  Online Session


Conference Secretary: Christy Wu

E-mail: TechDev_conf@outlook.com