AIBE 2025
The 2025 AIBE Workshop will be held at EAESP-FGV in São Paulo on 3-4 July. The event is jointly organized by EAESP-FGV and the University of Milano-Bicocca, and aims to present cutting-edge research on all aspects of digital finance and financial inclusion. We invite submissions from any area of economics, with any geographic focus. A non-exclusive list of topics is provided below. We expect to select at least 12 papers.
We welcome paper submissions from researchers at any career stage, including specifically, but not exclusively: Italians and foreigners based at Italian research institutions; Brazilians and foreigners based at Brazilian research institutions; Italians and Brazilians based at foreign institutions. Other researchers with an interest in interacting with the Brazilian and Italian research communities are also welcome to apply.
Digital payment systems & mobile money
Fintech & neo-banks
Financial inclusion & financial literacy as tools of financial stability
Digital loans, digital insurance & household finance
Digital money, corruption & financial fraud
Crypto currencies in emerging markets
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)
Other finance & development topics with relevance to the conference theme